23 June 2018

AGM and Committee Positions 2018

The AGM went smoothly. All past committee members were re-elected.

The June committee meeting elects the office bearers. There have been a few changes since last year.

During 2017, Garry Hayes and Tony Ryder swapped roles, with Tony picking up Membership and Garry Summer Marketing.
As of the June meeting, Jenny Hughes is the new secretary but will retain responsibilities for IT.
Bronwyn Sigmund is the new Communications Officer.
Lynn Cameron will take up a new Events coordination role and also assist the Treasurer with overdue fees.

President: Nigel Cowie
Secretary: Jenny Hughes
Treasurer: Michal Szkilnik

Lodge Supervisor: Justin Checcucci
Booking Officer: Alan Long
Membership: Tony Ryder
Marketing: Garry Hayes
Communications: Bronwyn Sigmund
Events: Lynn Cameron

This means I am writing my last articles for the blog/newsletter. Please help Bron by providing her with photos, stories and information to share.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for your work Jenny and good luck in your new role.