20 October 2010

Summer in Falls Creek

Every year it seems that there is more happening at Falls over summer: more special events and more activities.
  • Mountain biking
  • Road cycling - especially on the sealed Bogong High Plains Rd
  • Bushwalking & guided walks
  • Shuttle to Hotham so you can walk back across the high plains
  • Wildflowers
  • Geo-caching
  • Horse-riding
  • Fishing
  • Fly-fishing lessons and guide
  • Canoeing & boating (BYO)
  • Skate ramp, basket-ball, tennis, gym
  • Kid's Club daily activities from Boxing Day to end Jan
  • Open-air cinema
  • Day trips to wineries, boutique breweries and other attractions in the valleys

The summit chair will run from 27 Dec to 3 Jan (and probably some other times) for sightseeing and mountain biking.

You can see the scheduled events in the What's Coming Up calendar in the left column, or more info at www.fallscreek.com.au/Events.

When the rest of the state swelters, it is usually 10°C cooler at Falls Creek. AAC Falls Creek offers an inexpensive opportunity for a terrific summer holiday. Rates start at $25 per night for a member (min booking $220)

19 October 2010

Summer associate

If you are not a member of AAC but would like to stay in summer, you can apply to become a Summer Associate of AAC Falls Creek. (There is a nominal fee of $20.)

As a Summer Associate, you can book for a group, not just yourself. A Summer Associate only has booking rights at AAC Falls Creek during the summer months and has no voting rights or reciprocal rights with any other AAC Lodge.

To enquire about becoming a Summer Associate and  making a summer booking, please contact Alan Long at mrkflong@bigpond.com

Application Form for Summer Associate

15 October 2010

Important Falls Creek info via SMS

After the extreme weather and road closures in September, FCRM has decided to initiate an SMS broadcast service for Falls Creek residents, businesses and stakeholders. They will use the service to get important information to registered users as quickly as possible. This would have been invaluable when the road closure situation was changing and convoys were being organised. The service is free, and I have been assured that personal contact details will only be used by FCRM to supply resort information.

If you are a regular Falls Creek visitor and would like to receive these messages, please email willflamsteed@fallscreek.com.au and request that he register you for the SMS Broadcast Service. You need to supply the following information:
Category = Off-mountain stakeholder

11 October 2010

New lodge managers

Our advertisement for new lodge managers attracted a very strong field of applicants. After a careful selection process Andrew and Myra Rist have been selected as our new lodge managers.

Thanks also to Greg & Jenni for a great job over the last 2 seasons.

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