31 March 2011

Capital raising - status

On behalf of the Committee I would like to thank the many members that have embraced the discounted capital raising offer and paid $1,500 by December 2010 instead of the lengthy instalment programme.

Over 60% of members paid the $1,500 offered as a once off payment for their contribution to the Capital raising.

In addition, a number of junior members and also some Life members contributed to the capital raising.

As a result of the payments received, the Club's cash reserves are now much higher than was anticipated. This will add significantly to our ability to earn interest while we finalise the building works plan and also in the preparation of additional funding to complete the project.

For those that have chosen to pay by instalment, the next invoice for the current payment will be arriving in early April for payment in May 2011.

As Treasurer I shall give a report in detail of the financial position regarding the lodge redevelopment and also in general terms at the Club AGM on 24th May at the Royal Brighton Yacht Club.

David Stogdale
AAC Falls Creek

28 March 2011

Building Sub Committee Report

March 2011

Since the 2010 AGM your Building Sub Committee has been busy working on the lodge redevelopment works.
We have held 6 Sub Committee Meetings discussing issues ranging from replacement of the roof to the total scope of works for the project. Some important outcomes to date are:
  • Michael McKenna (Architect and Club Member) has been appointed by the Sub and General Committees to continue the work started by Salter Architects. Michael’s family currently reside at Falls Creek so we are lucky to have Michael visiting Falls Creek almost every weekend.
  • The Sub Committee considered replacing of the roof prior to this ski season as a separate exercise to the main building works. Tenders were sought but the only complying tenders received from builders contained in excess of $40,000 of scaffolding. This scaffolding would be duplicated in the main works so it would effectively be wasted money. It was therefore decided to defer the roof replacement and include it with the main works.
  • A Scope of Works was agreed by the Sub Committee and the Main Committee on 8/3/11. These Scope of Works are currently being incorporated into a draft lease application document which will be presented to Falls Creek Resort Management (FCRM) in April 2011. It is hoped that we will have positive feedback from FCRM, confirmed Scope of Works, and a proposed building schedule to present to the AGM in May 2011. 

Nigel Cowie
Lodge Supervisor

27 March 2011

AGM - put it in your diary

Amended Date

The AGM will be held at Royal Brighton Yacht Club on Tuesday May 17th. This is a great opportunity to hear about progress, contribute to the running of your club and meet with other members.

19 March 2011

Winter Booking Status now available

You can see the current booking status on the Booking Status tab at the top of the page. We aim to update it occasionally before the season, and then weekly throughout the season.

12 March 2011

Season Pass Prices

The lift company have announced lift early bird season pass and superpass prices.

Early Bird Adult$1199
Early Bird Child/Secondary$672
Early Bird Tertiary$723
Superpass Adult$1449
Superpass Child/Secondary$818
Superpass Senior$818
After 27 May Tertiary$827
Senior (not superpass)$725

  • Unlike previous years, the early bird pass does not include Perisher. Hotham is included
  • Early Bird tickets are only available before 27 May.
  • Early bird Season 6 passes are also available for Adults and children.
  • Seniors are 65-69
Check www.fallscreek.com.au/SeasonPasses for accurate details

10 March 2011

3 Peaks Challenge - 13 March

Sunday 13th March is the 3 Peaks cycling challenge. Riders set off from Falls Creek from 6:45am for the 235km loop over Tawonga Gap, up Mt Hotham then along the Omeo Highway and back to Falls. Full details at Bicycle Victoria website

Once again AAC Falls Creek will host riders in the event.

If you are visiting Falls Creek or surrounding areas this weekend, be aware of road closures for the event, in particular, the road from Mt Beauty to Falls will be closed from 5:30am - 9am.