The School SnowSports Development Foundation has decided to move the Subaru Victorian and Australian Interschools SnowSports Championships to Falls Creek in 2013. Events will run for 8 days from 18th to 25th August. Interschools will stay at Falls Creek until at least 2017.
Buller has hosted the huge Victorian Interschools event for 55 years, so this is a very significant change. It will bring thousands of competitors and supporters to Falls Creek, many of whom may never have been before.
Australian Interschools will also be conducted at Falls Creek in 2013, 2015 and 2017. In 2013 this will be from Wednesday 4th to Sunday 8th September.
Australian Interschools will also be conducted at Falls Creek in 2013, 2015 and 2017. In 2013 this will be from Wednesday 4th to Sunday 8th September.