30 August 2013

Spring Skiing... mmm

There's 1.25 metres of snow, International is open and we still have a month of the season to go.

We had a shakey start to the season and now it's time to make up for it with some spring fun. Fast morning groomers, blue skies, creamy corn snow, slush bumps, lazy barbecue lunches, maybe a spot of sidecountry touring.

There are still some vacancies at the lodge, especially from 8-21 September.

There are some good spring deals too:

Fathers Day special - DADCamp

If you have a Hero Pass, Season Pass or Spring Pass you can spoil your dad with a DADCamp package on Fathers Day

$59 includes
  • group lesson
  • a snowmobile-lifted run down Rocky Knolls (past Ruined Castle)
  • free use of lifts for the rest of the day
Sounds like a pretty nice deal

Queenslanders and South Australians - do you want to be able to get to Falls Creek faster?

Resort Management are trying to make it possible, but need your support. Tell your snow-loving neighbours too.

Ski Locker Reminder

Some years ago, large lockable cages were installed in the ski room for storage of skis & boards during the season. These have proved very popular - too much so in fact. The cages are very full and it can be difficult and even dangerous for people to get their gear in and out.

The situation is made much worse when other gear is stored in the cages too. It takes more room and makes the bags very difficult to move when trying to remove other bags.

So that everyone can continue to safely enjoy using these lockers, please follow these guidelines
  • skis, poles and boards only 
  • boards or skis must be in a bag with the owner's name clearly visible
  • no clothing, boots or other things in the bag
  • bags should be removed at the end of the season
The committee are considering other solutions for next season but alternatives could involve more expense and/or less flexibility.

In the meantime, the manager may remove offending bags from the secure storage to protect safe access by other members.

Benji at the lodge

We had a special visitor at the lodge during August

Benji is a mascot for Alzheimer's Australia. He came down from the Gold Coast with his handler Karin. Benji has a huge album of photos taken with celebrities and in great locations - now including Falls Creek.

 More pics

09 August 2013

International and Lakeside are Go!

Our trusty pomas are set to turn from Saturday 10th. And there is more snow forecast over the next few days. Jane's Weather is forecasting that it could be as much anywhere from 40cm - 90cm by Monday.

I'm grinning ear to ear because I'm at the lodge next week

New Deal for Mums in August

The lift company are coming up with some innovative ideas this season.

They've noticed that many mums are sitting around while the rest of family is out having fun on the slopes. So Mums that have a child in Snowclub or Juniour Workshop for the day can buy a special Coffee Club women only group lesson for $59 that includes use of the lifts for the rest of the day, as well as a  relaxing coffee before the lesson.

This deal is only for August.


Race Weekend 2013

The race this year was held on Nastar due to inclement weather conditions.

We had 35 competitors in what turned out to be a fun course that catered for all abilities but still allowed the champs of the club to show their class.

The day concluded with a Race evening dinner and a theme of "A Taste of Orange" which included Orange - music, decorations, food and fancy dress.

As always we would like to thank our Race Captain - John Cameron for his wonderful organisation of the event and to Andrew and Myra for the great evening.

Results were as follows:
1.    James
2.    Carla
3.    Ella
Some of the children are moving into the adult category next year but their times this year will already make them competitive in the next category.
1.    Mel
2.    Viv
3.    Natasha
Mel remains the female champ with Natasha joining the ranks.

1.    Ross
2.    Harrison
3.    William
Ross retains his Race champion status with a couple of the next generation reaching the podium.

More pics

Thanks to Nigel for the report and the photos