This season FCRM has engaged a private contractor (4Site) to operate car parking, accommodation transfer, freight, shuttles, snow-clearing, cleaning of public buildings and enforcement (eg parking infringements). This has brought some changes to car parking and ATS (oversnow).
If you are intending to arrive late it would be prudent to check with ATS on 5758 120.
Car Parking
Attended car parking closes at 6pm Mon-Thur. There are a number of late-arrival spots below the ATS terminal where you can park on your first night until 10:30am the next morning. If you have not purchased your entry permit on-line you will need to purchase the next day.
When there is no snow in the village there will not be guaranteed transfer from ATS to lodges
after you have been parked. You will be parked and then returned to the ATS
terminal.There may be limited ATS services for dropping guests at lodges (and vice versa) via shuttle buses. There will be no fees for these services, however they will be scheduled based on demand levels. Of course you have the option of riding up Gully chair if it is within lift hours.
There are also changes (reductions?) in the day parking spaces.
Mon-Thur ATS closes at 8pm. If you arrive after this you will be walking up.
Hours of operation are 8am to 8pm Monday to Thursday, 8am to midnight Friday, 8am to 10pm on Saturday and 7.30am to 10pm on Sunday.
of operation are 8am to 8pm Monday to Thursday, 8am to midnight Friday,
8am to 10pm on Saturday and 7.30am to 10pm on Sunday. - See more at: