18 November 2009

new rates have been set for 2010

The committee has agreed rates for Falls Creek Huette for 2010. As the Treasurer's Report explains, the increase will allow us to start the planned building works.

The new Falls Creek rates can be viewed at the www.aacfallscreek.com website.

Treasurer's Report
The Club has again performed well from a financial standpoint in 2009.Your Committee has taken the view that if we are to have adequate funding to be able to undertake the substantial redevelopment of the lodge that is required for our Lease renewal, the Club had to be able to operate at a recurrent profit for years in advance of major works being undertaken.To this end the rates for subscription, accommodation, both Winter and Summer including guest rates, must increase a little ahead of inflation in order to ensure that we are able to commence the major project that will include the re securing of our Alpine Lease.Occupancy rates are higher now that the "Blog" has been able to show when rooms are available and our Summer bookings are increasing steadily as Falls Creek increases its attractions in the high Summer period.  
The Committee is pleased to advise that the Club has again delivered a strong "cash" profit,  but this will be reduced as a "reported" profit after capital items and depreciation are deducted. However, our bank balance has increased strongly in the year and broadly speaking we are optimistic about the likely financial position for 2010.

DW Stogdale

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