15 November 2012

Interschools resolution

School Snowsports Development Foundation (SSDF) and Ski & Snowboard Australia (SSA) have put out a joint statement.

In essence
  • In 2013 Victorian Interschools will be at Buller from Sunday 18th August to Sunday 25th August
  • 2013 National Interschools will be held at Buller from Wednesday 4th September to Sunday 8th September
The statement makes some references to simplified operation and ongoing discussions with Falls Creek about school based events but says nothing specific.

While it may be disappointing for many that Interschools will not be held at Falls Creek next year, it is good to have resolution of this issue. Let's hope this really is settled.


Anonymous said...

Initially I wrote that "Victorian Interschools will be held at Buller for the next 10 years". I think now that I misread the statement and this may not be the case. JH

Anonymous said...

At least they have decided, i sympathise for the national participants in september.

Dan said...

Thanks for sharing an informative post. I hope this issue is settled.